Thursday, 15 December 2016

Teaching Surgeon Dr. Mohannad Barakat

Dr. Mohannad Jamil Barakat, GMC, is a member of the Royal College of Surgeons and several other medical societies. His strong reputation as a highly regarded surgeon was earned through hard work over more than 20 years. He practices primarily in the United Kingdom as a surgeon, but he also conducts a weekly group sessions with professionals who suffer from high stress at work. It is the case that, in the two decades-plus since Mohannad Barakat earned his medical degree, many patients have found significant relief from a great many terrible health conditions, thanks to Dr. Barakat.

Mohannad Barakat is also sought-after as a teacher, showing other medical professionals what he has learned over the years. He has taught everything he knows to doctors, nurses ad others throughout Europe, the United States and Asia, and he has written for many peer-reviewed medical journals. He has also spent time as a reviewer for several of them, including the prestigious British Medical Journal. Dr. Barakat is also a very popular speaker, who regularly speaks about medicine to audiences worldwide.