With over twenty years of practice under his belt, Mohannad Jamil Barakat has become an experienced surgeon that has worked hard to develop both his skills and knowledge in many different aspects of the medical field. He focuses his work primarily in the trauma, orthopaedic and spinal fields. The trauma field provides a fast paced environment which requires the surgeon to act with precision and make life altering decisions quickly. This fast paced mind set can also be applied to the spinal field, as in that field each part of the body is connected and every decision made can affect the patient's life dramatically.
The surgeries Mohannad Jamil Barakat performs can be due to circumstance or as elective surgeries. His specialties also include that of cardiothoracic surgery, general surgery, ENT and emergency medicine. By having a wide range of expertise, he is able to treat his patients holistically. By not focusing on just one part of the body, he can diagnose in a more whole body way. His expertise ranges from repairing elbows to hand fractures to pediatric and adult spine infections. In addition to his practical work, Mohannad Jamil Barakat has also had numerous articles published in peer reviewed journals on the plethora of topics that he has become an expert in as well as has served as a reviewer for the British Medical Journal among other publications. His opinion has become a trusted source in the medical field and a valued voice in the field as well.